Sunday, March 02, 2008

With all of this hiking...

I'm either going to end up in the best shape of my life or fat as a cow.

I covered about 20 miles this weekend. I can feel it, though fortunately it's an "I worked hard" ache and not any real pain.

But all those miles, make me a hungry, hungry hippo.

My existence has condensed into two things: hike and eat, sometimes simultaneously.


Anonymous said...

Work out for me too!

Laura said...

That's the best thing about working out--you get to eat more!

Rebecca said...

Eat up, sista, 'cause it's gonna be a long ride... or walk... or hike... whatever you want to call it!

Anonymous said...

That wasn't you that fell off the cliff while hiking in Maryland was it?

Theresa said...

Eeek. No. I try to stay away from cliff edges!

megan said...

20 miles. that's awesome. we need to come up with a cool nick name for you... like hiksta. this is where your crafty little brothers would excel.