If you're reading Lives of Wander, you'll know that I have a list of things I hope to do before leaving D.C. One of the things on the list is participating in a protest.
So this past week, I'm reading the Express as I ride the Metro to work, when I come across a full page age that has "Save the Planet Protest" written in large letters across the top. Hey, I think, that's something I could get behind. Who doesn't want to save the planet? Immediately I picture myself in front of the White House advocating for Bush to sign some global warming protocol. I have a little poster, there's a chant or two. It's cool, and I go home, pat myself on the back, and cross that one off my list.
But then I start reading. Turns out the organizer of this protest isn't gunning for the president or even Congress. No, he's directing his anger at the Discovery Channel. Yes, you did read that right. He's protesting a cable television channel.
Confused as I am? Well, apparently Lee (the organizer), believes that the Discovery Channel is not actually trying to save the planet with their programming but is instead, gasp, a "corporation whose real interest lies in money." Oh my God! I had no idea! I thought I was watching a philanthropic channel whose only goal was to save the world. I'm in utter and complete shock now. My eyes have been opened!
The ad chastises the Discovery Channel for airing shows "about people who build pollution machines and other environmentally harmful practices." In one ad, he specifically mentioned Cash Cab, but I see that he didn't put it in the online version of his ad. Guess he figured out that you can't knock the Cash Cab.
Anyhow, Lee wants people to gather from 9 am to 9 pm from February 15 to February 23 to let the Discovery Channel know that they need to start broadcasting shows that really address ways to save the planet. Apparently, as a cable television channel, saving the planet is their responsibility. I knew there was a point to TV.
I'm considering driving by tomorrow to see if anyone has turned out for what must be one of the funniest protests I've ever heard of. Seriously, where do people get these ideas? If you want to read the ad, click here.
When I was in DC waiting for the White House Tour with the chef, my friend Dyan and I were inadvertently involved in a protest at LaFayette Park. The chant I remember was "Why Why Clinton Why Why Must Palestian Children Die."
I love Cash Cab. But obviously Ben's cab produces more pollutants than the normal NYC taxi because of the game show that takes place within the cab. That's just common sense Theresa.
I love cash cab too! If I ever go to NYC again I hope I end up in the Cash Cab.
I don't understand this either... this guy apparently has a lot of energy and motivation, why not direct it at the people who might actually be able to make a difference. I think some people just like to protest and can target just about anything.
PLEASE tell me you're at least going to drive by one of those days to see if anyone is actually there!
I was looking around the webs to see what people were saying about poor Lee's protest and I found your site. Just thought I'd pass this picture along for everyone.
Poor Lee all by his lonesome.
And Angela, if you're ever in DC, give me a ring. ; )
That picture caption is CLASSIC.
I'll be sure to call you--you're listed under the "A"s, I suppose??
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