Friday, October 01, 2004

Don't Forget About Poland

For me, that had to be the best moment of last night’s presidential debate. And it didn’t happen once, but twice. You’d think that Bush, even as dumb as he is, would have realized after saying it once that touting Poland as one of your biggest allies is just absurd. But no, he had to go and do it again, making a big point out of it. Poland, ah, yes, Poland. Big, bad Poland. Poland, the source of so many ‘dumb’ jokes, is now our right hand man. Gosh, I feel good. Now I’ve been to Poland (it’s the only country whose border I’ve ever crossed by foot), and I’d like to go back. I think it’s an interesting place that catches way too much grief. But I don’t think it’s any kind of world power (militarily, economically, culturally…the list goes on). It’s great that Poland is giving us some aid in Iraq, but let’s be honest. They aren’t a real partner. I took the liberty of looking up how many Polish casualties there have been in Iraq, and today’s report lists 9. We’ve had 1050+. (Britain has around 90.) It’s our war, and for the most part we’re fighting it alone. Bush can talk about his “Coalition of the Willing” all he wants, but I’m not buying it, and if you are, well then you’re just plain dumb.

Overall, I found the debate to be both interesting and revealing. I didn’t learn anything new, because I try to keep myself pretty well-informed, but I believe those who were undecided were able to see where each candidate stands, at least on foreign affairs (which right now seems to mean only the war on terror…but that’s for another time and place). Although I can’t claim to be an impartial observer, I must say that I think Kerry won that debate. While the Bush clan tried to say that Kerry flip-flopped throughout the debate, even the commentators pointed out that he took a stance and stayed with it. The Bush team wanted to say he said the war wasn’t a mistake, was a mistake, wasn’t a mistake, when in fact, what he consistently said was that the war wasn’t a mistake, but the way we went about the war was a mistake. That’s clearly two different things, and I think he’s right. Bush did his usual and kept repeating the same old lines that don’t really tell us anything. Pretty little one-liners for the non-thinking population. And most of them weren’t even that well delivered. There were numerous instances were Bush was left speechless or stumbling. And I didn’t think Bush did a very good job of adhering to the debate’s rules, always wanting a chance to rebut. But then again, Bush has always seemed to make up his own rules, so I can’t say I’m surprised.
Anyhow, I hope the debate convinced some of the undecided out there that Kerry is a better man for the job than Bush. I’m not going to say he’s the best. I don’t think he is. I think we can do better overall as a country. But at this point, we’ve got two choices, and my choice is Kerry.

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