Saturday, November 03, 2007

Run, Run as Fast as You Can

You know those people who run easily and naturally, the ones who go out for a run intending to just run something like 5 miles but before they've known it they've run 10? Yeah, I don't like those people. That's not me. I don't think I've ever run a distance and estimated it to be less than it was. If anything, I overestimate.

Really, that was only 2 miles; it felt like 10. That's more my experience.

But running is good for you, and it's easy to do in the sense that it doesn't require any special equipment. You don't have to belong to a gym or drive to a specific place in order to do it. Lace up your tennis shoes and walk out your front door, and you're ready to go. So in an effort to be healthy and in shape, I've been running since June.

Actually I've been running for years, but it's always been sporadic. I'd run every day for a week, then quit for two weeks. I'd never get into any kind of rhythm, and I'd never see any type of improvement in either time, distance, or ease. I often made excuses--it's too hot, too cold; I'm too busy, too tired. You know how it goes. I'm a goal-oriented person, but I didn't have any goals for running.

So this summer, I decided to do the Couch to 5K program. Now, I'm not a couch potato. I didn't need to start at zero. But I did anyhow. I followed the program step by step because it gave me a precise goal for each week. And while starting in the summer might not have been the most brilliant idea--heat for one, lots of travel for two--that's what I did. And I managed to make it all the way through the program, 100+ degree days, oppressive humidity, and all. If there's anything I dislike more than things I'm not good at, it's quitting.

As the weeks passed, and I ran farther with each session, I found that running did come a bit easier (mind you, still not easy). But I could feel my legs getting stronger and my breathing becoming less labored. So, when I completed the program, I didn't stop running. Instead I got Jeff in on the act and now we get up 3 days a week and go running. For years, I have sworn that I cannot run in the morning, but I think I may have been wrong. Perhaps running before your brain is fully awake and can realize the ridiculousness of what you're doing is a good idea. I'm only hoping we can keep it up through the cold and the dark of winter. I might not run that fast or that far, but I am, in some sense, a runner. And I like the sense of accomplishment that comes with pacing off a few miles first thing in the morning.


Matthew said...

did you just run in the neighborhood? And when you were doing those first few weeks, how did you pick a route? Did you just walk home when you were finished with the program but not at your place?

I would like to be able to do a 5K--and I am sure I could, but would not enjoy it--so that I could enter sprint triathlons. I'm just not sure about running in the street in Old Louisville.

Anonymous said...

One time I ran. I can't remember why I did it. But man it sucked and I never want to do it again.

Rebecca said...

Totally agree with the morning thing. And it gives you leverage to eat whatever you want for the rest of the day. Genius!

Mark said...

I was runnin'.
That was Forrest Gump and I'll leave it to him.
People around here run all the time to make themselves feel good for being lazy during the weekend.

I can't do it.

But its probably good since you all will need to be in shape for your trip.

Laura said...

I hate running. I try to get myself to do it every once in a while, but it always just reminds me how much I hate it. They make us do a 5K around the base once a month and every time I tell myself that it wouldn't be so painful if I would just run more often, but I can't get myself to do it.

I think I prefer swimming... no sweating and less joint pain :) Now if I could just find an indoor pool...

megan said...

i hate running too. the only time i get excited & that lasts about 2 minutes is when i buy a new pair of running shoes, every three years or so.

i think i'm going to volunteer for the girl on the run program because maybe i'll enjoy it more if i convince myself i'm helping someone else in the process :) you should check it out & see if they have the program near you.

congralations on conquering such a gross task!