Friday, April 20, 2007

The State of the Nation

I feel like I am supposed to write something about the terror attacks at Virginia Tech earlier this week. But honestly, what else is there to say? I'm as shocked, horrified, saddened, disgusted, and overwhelmed as the rest of you. I simply wish for less hurt, less hate, less violence...more peace, more love, more understanding. Make it happen where you can.

Before all of that happened, I read two articles in the Washington Post Outlook section that I thought were pretty right on. They deal with the issues that seemed so big before this week's events: the Imus firing and the Duke case and the inherent racial issues. If you'd like to read them, which I recommend, here there are.

We're Our Own Worst Imuses

Drop the Race Card

Well, I'm off now, on my way up to CT to visit with Despina and Kate. Hope you all have as fun a weekend as mine will be.

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