Monday, June 26, 2006

Some Say the World Will End in Fire, Some in Ice

I think we all just might drown. In the DC area, it has been raining for nearly 48 straight hours. And by raining, I mean torrential deluges of water. I mean four inch deep rivers of water on perfectly flat roads. I mean streams of water shooting up higher than your car from the middle lane of a major thoroughfare. I mean rain that bounces back up a few inches because it hit the ground so hard. Downpours. Thunder. Lightening. We're getting it all.

And it's causing problems. First, it was the power going out. It went out around 10:30 yesterday morning and didn't come back on until the afternoon. We headed out to the Smithsonian around noon, because sitting at home without any electricity isn't much fun. We all figured out why people worked so much before there was electricity - there's not really that much else to do.

And then the second, and more annoying, problem is that we have water leaking into our bedroom. The gutters are full of leaves and sticks, so they can't handle all the water (not sure they could anyway, but they'd be doing a little better.) So instead of being funneled down and away from the building, the water is running right up against the building and seeping in wherever there are cracks, which is apparently right along our bedroom window. By the time we noticed it, a good section of the bedding had been soaked through and the carpet was wet. So now the bed's in the middle of the room, all the stuff that was under the bed is all over the place, and the room is a general mess. Of course, since the rain hasn't stopped at all, no one can get up on the roof and clear the gutters, so every time the rain gets hard, the dripping starts. Hooray for Chinese water torture.

Seriously, if it doesn't stop soon, I think we might just float away.


Anonymous said...

Sounds terrible. Hope the rain has stopped by now. I also hope the rain stays away from here. Of course Houston got so much rain Monday a week ago and now you all. Hopefully it moves up to Canada or out to sea.

Laura said...

Is this normal weather for that area or is this just another effect of us destroying the planet?