Tuesday, January 24, 2006

What Celebrity Do You Look Like

Every once in a while, a conversation happens where people talk about other people's resemblences to celebrity. It's come up in conversations I've had here and there throughout the years. I guess everybody likes to think they have some celebrity connection, and there are some people who do look strikingly similar to some actor/actress, politician, sports star, etc. Some people, in fact, make their living off of impersonating famous people. I've never really thought I looked much like anyone famous. Recently, however, I've been getting some comments otherwise.

One of the first relevant comments occurred when I was in Greece. A copy of some entertainment magazine was floating around our house with a picture of Reese Witherspoon on the cover. One of my roommates was browsing through it one day and remarked to the rest of us, "Doesn't Theresa kind of look like Reese Witherspoon?" We debated it a bit - her chin is more pronounced than mine, her hair more blonde, but her eyes and nose are kind of similar... Anyhow, it was a funny conversation for a couple of minutes with my roommates holding the photo up next to my head, but it was quickly forgotten.

Then a month or two after the wedding, I received a card from a friend who had been unable to make the wedding but who had seen the photos. In the card, she wrote, "Wow, Theresa, I never realized how much you look like Reese Witherspoon." Jeff and I laughed and thought it was interesting. It seemed strange for someone else to just pull up that same connection when looking at our wedding photos.

But the strangest of all had to have happened the weekend we were in Niagara Falls. Jeff and I were at a tasting at a winery. We were seated at a table across from a girl slightly younger than me during the tasting, which lasted about 45 minutes. As we got up to leave, the girl approached me and said, "Excuse me. I just wanted to ask if you'd seen that movie "Walk the Line" because you look exactly like the girl that plays June Carter Cash." I smiled and said that I had seen it. She then said, "Really, the resemblence is amazing. And I mean that in the best way. I love Reese Witherspoon." Jeff and I laughed about how strange that was on the way out.

Anyhow, I just thought it was interesting. Three complete strangers making the same comparison on three very different occassions. If I make a close study, I can sometimes see it, but not so much that I feel that other people would see it and point it out. But now, I guess if anyone asks the "What celebrity do you look like" question, I'll have an answer. And it's one I'm okay with. She's cute and a good actress and seems to be a good person too. I could definitely have done much worse.

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