Monday, May 31, 2004

Oh, Look, It's Jerry Springer

No, actually it's just the Greek news. While it's not unusual to turn on the news in any country and find that journalism has become sensationalistic, Greece news really tops anything I've ever seen. I'm sure that there must be actual news happening somewhere in this country, but the television news is not the place to find out about it. The television news is the place to turn if you've been missing out on your Jerry Springer. The other day, these were three of the leading stories. And by leading story, I mean a story that they spend at least 5-1o minutes on.

1. The husband of a young Greek woman who is pregnant left her for her best friend. The woman doesn't know what to do and doesn't have any idea how she is going to raise the child.
(Now maybe Greece is more of a perfect country than I thought, but is this really the only woman in the country that this has happened to? I think not. And the big question is...where do they find stories like this? I don't think it's out there on the AP Wire. Do people write in with their sob stories or do they advertise like Jerry Springer...Did your husband leave you for your best friend. If so, drop us a line and maybe you'll appear on our next newscast, I mean.)

2. A woman had a really expensive electric bill and doesn't know how she can afford to pay it. (Well, honey, that sucks, but maybe you shouldn't use so much electricity. It wasn't that the electric company had overcharged her...she just couldn't pay her bill because it was so high. Maybe they ought to run a news special on how to budget your money.)

3. And my personal favorite. The newscast spent about 10 minutes showing a Greek Orthodox Priest performing an exorcism on a woman who was said to practice black magic. He was shoving a cross into her chest, yelling prayers out of a book and stomping his foot on her while she laid on the ground screaming and writhing around. A whole crowd was gathered around holding her down. I'm not sure if she was screaming because she was possessed by some devil or because the priest was abusing her. They didn't say if the exorcism was successful, but it sure was interesting to watch.

Ah, Greece. The country never fails to entertain.

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